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Studio Work

Laudes Creatureum - Wallpaper

Artist Statement


My current work centers around issues of Climate Change and biological threat. I am investigating many threads including the effect of toxins on birds and bees, and trying to make visual the deep implications of those toxins. Other pieces are examining the remediation properties of mycelia and their newly discovered forms of intelligence. New work is exploring invasive plants and other native species that have healing properties. 


All of these works share a common method – investigation.  I am not concerned with exploring any particular media in my work.  I pursue the media that best suits the idea.  I research extensively, keeping written and visual journals.  In the process of my investigation, works emerge as photographic multiples, films, or even fiber works, as well as drawings, watercolors, or sculptural models.  All modes of creative production are in play.  


The main intent of my research is to investigate and communicate the urgency with which we need to address the climate issues we are facing. 

Studio+Lab - design brief

The studio+lab project at abcdexperiments


In addition to my current work centering on climate issues, I have continued to expand a body of work I began in my MFA program.  In my thesis work, I created sculptures and installations that engaged children in the process.  Both “installing” work in children’s spaces and co-creating with children were methods I began then but continue today in the studio+lab project I maintain at abcdexperiments.  It is a creative space, where I work with kids on non-traditional projects and methods, integrating S.T.E.A.M. curriculum and any other random whim.  Primarily, I work with children between the ages of 4 and 10.  During “camps” we will focus on a particular theme, such as ‘Tinkering’ or ‘Mathemaniacs’, and explore many different projects and investigations under that theme. It is a continual play space for me and for the children who join me.

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